
CavFab HD Trackbar Bracket Brace (XJ / MJ)

Our HD Adjustable Trackbar allows you to re-center your front axle after installing your lift.  And with the new CavFab HD Trackbar Bracket Brace, you can ensure that you'll eliminate deflection between the trackbar bracket and the frame rail, making sure its as strong as possible and rocksteady with our 100% bolt on kit.
  • Made from 1/2" and 3/8" thick plate
  • Can be ordered Raw Steel or Powder Coated
  • Fully Bolt On
  • Improves responsiveness at the steering wheel
  • Fits with our Track Bar Bracket
  • All mounting hardware included

**While our Trackbar fits the TJ and LJ as well, those models don't require a brace due to the type of bracket used, so we do not have this as an option for those models**
